Select one of the templates from the template library. Do a deep dive on it reviewing it from the perspective of your current organization. Could the template help kick start thinking in this space for you?

Prog Home v3 Forums Advanced Study Course – Compliance and Legislation Select one of the templates from the template library. Do a deep dive on it reviewing it from the perspective of your current organization. Could the template help kick start thinking in this space for you?

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  • #40917
    Chris Mcdonald
    Ashley Williams

    Yes, it can make sure that the necessary information is tracked before an audit is even needed. We have the ability to do self audits with helps greatly.

    Brian Heltzel

    The internal legal argument document represents a simple summary of the issue(s) without burdening the law department with technical aspects of the review. That said, I would strongly recommend adding “Confidential – Attorney Client Privileged Work Product” as a watermark or header. It’s very important for teams to have an established process for internally discussing audit issues, risks, and exposure without creating a volume of discoverable materials.

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