Accredited Training Organizations (ATOs) are granted authorization by IAITAM, in collaboration with APMG, to deliver training for IAITAM’s certification courses. ATOs undergo a stringent certification and authorization procedure to guarantee the highest standards of quality. This strategic partnership with ATOs extends IAITAM’s global reach, significantly bolstering the IT Asset Management profession worldwide.
How to Become an IAITAM ATO
Contract with IAITAM
Initiate the process by entering into a contract with IAITAM. This is the first formal step towards becoming an ATO.
Application Submission
After completing the contractual arrangements with IAITAM, your organization should submit an application form. IAITAM can provide assistance with this step.
APMG-International Assessment
Your organization will then undergo an assessment process administered by APMG-International, one of IAITAM’s partners. This assessment is crucial for determining your eligibility and readiness to become an ATO.
Details from APMG
It’s important to note that the ATO assessment process is not managed by IAITAM. Specific details about this process, including requirements and procedures, will be provided by APMG-International.
By following these steps and successfully meeting the criteria outlined by APMG-International, your organization can become an IAITAM ATO. This affiliation opens up opportunities to deliver IAITAM’s certification courses, contributing to the growth and global presence of the IT Asset Management profession.
IAITAM ATO Program Basics
 Here are the key points outlining the partnership between IAITAM and Accredited Training Organizations (ATOs). This partnership framework facilitates collaboration between IAITAM and ATOs, allowing for the effective delivery of IAITAM certification courses while accommodating local market conditions and individualization within established guidelines.
Trainer Nomination
ATOs will nominate trainers for education and certification by IAITAM, and accreditation by APMG to enable them to teach IAITAM courseware.
Trainer Certification
ATO trainers are required to hold an IAITAM Trainer Certification, in addition to certification for each IAITAM course they intend to teach.
Minimum Trainers
A minimum of two IAITAM Certified Trainers is necessary for an organization to achieve ATO status accredited by APMG.
Support from IAITAM
 IAITAM will assign an Account Manager and provide technology support to assist ATOs with their educational and marketing requirements.
Course Scheduling
ATOs will schedule IAITAM Certification classes as needed and will utilize their own trainers to conduct these courses.
While IAITAM will offer recommendations on student registration fees, the final pricing decision is left to the discretion of the ATO.
Royalty Fee
IAITAM charges a royalty fee per student. Anything beyond this required royalty fee will constitute the ATO’s margin. This flexible structure allows ATOs to set prices that align with local market conditions and margin requirements.
Billing Process
Students will pay the ATO for each class, and IAITAM will invoice the ATO for the contracted royalty fee based on the number of students registered for a specific class.
All IAITAM Certifications require annual recertification. Students who choose to maintain their certification will pay this fee directly to IAITAM.
Educational Materials
IAITAM will provide manuals, core presentation slides, and basic marketing materials to ATOs in digital format.
ATOs are allowed to co-brand, localize, and partially customize core presentation slides and marketing collateral to address regional concerns and regulations. This provides ATOs with the flexibility to incorporate their unique experiences into IAITAM courses, subject to approval by the IAITAM Account Manager.