Steff Gilbert

Steff is a full time Instructor and Content Delivery Manager at IAITAM. She joined the team in October 2019 as a Training Consultant and became a full time employee in May 2020. She has a passion for teaching and helping others. Before joining the IAITAM Team, Steff gained over a decade of experience taking on ITAM tasks and projects in various roles normally found outside of ITAM, such as Training Manager, Mac Lab Coordinator, and Sales Tech Manager across numerous organizations and industries, such as Technical Support Management for a large tech company, Health Insurance, International Banking, Internet Service Providers, and Cellular Carriers.

Strong Compliance Management Enhances Security!

Proactive compliance in ITAM enhances security, reduces risks, and fosters employee responsibility. Aligning with licensing, regulations, and best practices safeguards data, meets standards like PCI DSS and NIST, and strengthens IT resilience.

ITAM’s Role in Organizational Sustainability

ITAM’s Role in Organizational Sustainability

ITAM's Role in Organizational SustainabilityWith: Steff Gilbert, IAITAM In order to obtain and maintain executive buy-in, we must be aligning our initiatives with organizational goals and drivers. One main priority on the minds of executives lately is sustainability....

Manage Projects Like A Pro: Gantt vs. Pert Chart

In my latest CAMP Course, we were discussing Project Management best practices for staying on track and within the budget and I mentioned that Gantt and PERT Charts are great tools for scheduling projects and monitoring their success.

Best Practices for BYOD: Maintaining Compliance and Keeping Your Data Safe

Best Practices for BYOD: Maintaining Compliance and Keeping Your Data Safe

Bring your own device can be a great way to save budgetary dollars while also ensuring your end users have technology they are comfortable with. But who owns the software licenses and data on each asset? And what happens when the asset or the employee exits the organization? In this session, we’ll discuss necessary policies and best practices when implementing a BYOD program.