Steff Gilbert

Steff is a full time Instructor and Content Delivery Manager at IAITAM. She joined the team in October 2019 as a Training Consultant and became a full time employee in May 2020. She has a passion for teaching and helping others. Before joining the IAITAM Team, Steff gained over a decade of experience taking on ITAM tasks and projects in various roles normally found outside of ITAM, such as Training Manager, Mac Lab Coordinator, and Sales Tech Manager across numerous organizations and industries, such as Technical Support Management for a large tech company, Health Insurance, International Banking, Internet Service Providers, and Cellular Carriers.

Mobile Assets: Same Animal, Different Breed

“How do smartphones fit here? Are they harder to manage? Are there additional best practices for managing that hardware asset type?”. The short answer is it depends, laptops and desktops, depends… There is no “one size fits all” in ITAM

Projections for 2024

Projections for 2024

With global economy challenges, rises in the use of AI, mergers and acquisitions, and continued cyber attacks, what does 2024 look like for your ITAM Program?

Placing ITAM at the Center of your Organization

Placing ITAM at the Center of your Organization

Placing ITAM at the Center of your OrganizationWith: Steff Gilbert, IAITAM Getting the buy-in ITAM needs in a siloed organization can seem like an impossible task! It’s difficult to find all of the value you can for your organization when other departments don’t...

ITAD Best Practices

ITAD Best Practices

Join Steff Gilbert as she discusses ITAD Best Practices for the industry!

When to Redeploy?

When to Redeploy?

The events of past three years have caused many organizations to rethink their refresh cycles on IT assets.

Managing the Cloud

Managing the Cloud

As the cloud becomes more ubiquitous in businesses of all types, ITAM must account for it.