If your organization took the ITAM360 Assessment, what rating do you expect it would get for each KPA?

Prog Home v3 Forums CAMP SPT If your organization took the ITAM360 Assessment, what rating do you expect it would get for each KPA?

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  • #62680
    Brendy Ta

    I haven’t hit my one-year mark with the company yet, but I know there are a ton of processes in place. I am not actively carrying out each process, so I cannot speak for areas I do not touch. From what I know, it’s a fairly decent score. There is always room for improvement in growing companies.

    Brendy Ta

    We do well with compliance and protecting our organization, so above average.

    Brendy Ta

    My organization would have a reasonably good score for the ITAM360 Assessment.

    Brendy Ta

    We have areas that need improvement, but overall we’d have an average score.



    Channell Bradford

    I thought we would rate a 4 overall.

    Marilena Naftan


    Timothy Schow

    We would do well on everything except Asset Identification and Disposal.

    Caroline Lovatt

    High rating

    Stephanie Nel

    I believe our organization should do well as they have these processes in place already on all the KPA’s listed. If it passes the Procurement stage, as that I believe is the toughest stage to actually get the assets approved, then all should flow from there.

    Franco Nieto


    Adam Garcia

    Rating Based on 1 = Lowest to 5 = Highest

    1. Procurement Management: 3
    2. Asset Identification: 3
    3. Communication and Education: 2
    4. Compliance Management:4
    5. Legislation Management: 3
    6. Disposal Management:3
    7. Financial Management:3
    8. Policy Management: 4
    9. Project Management: 3
    10. Vendor Management: 3

    Adam Garcia

    Rating Based on 1 = Lowest to 5 = Highest

    1. Procurement = 3
    2. Asset ID = 4
    3. Communication and Education: 2
    4. Compliance = 4
    5. Legislation = 3
    6. Disposal = 3
    7. Finance = 3
    8. Policy = 3
    9. Project = 2
    10. Vendor = 3

    Adam Garcia

    Rating Based on 1 = Lowest to 5 = Highest

    1. Procurement = 3
    2. Asset ID = 4
    3. Communication and Education: 2
    4. Compliance = 4
    5. Legislation = 3
    6. Disposal = 3
    7. Finance = 3
    8. Policy = 3
    9. Project = 2
    10. Vendor = 3

    Adam Garcia

    1. Procurement = 3
    2. Asset ID = 3
    3. Comms and Education = 2
    4. Compliance = 4
    5. Legislation = 4
    6. Disposal = 3
    7. Finance = 3
    8. Policy = 4
    9. Project = 3
    10. Vendor = 3

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