What would some of the challenges be implementing or improving a formal best practice Compliance and Legislation KPA in your organization?

Prog Home v3 Forums Advanced Study Course – Compliance and Legislation What would some of the challenges be implementing or improving a formal best practice Compliance and Legislation KPA in your organization?

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  • #40905
    Chris Mcdonald
    Ashley Williams

    The main challenge would be getting end users/departments to follow through/stay in compliance.

    Brian Heltzel

    As a global company, it can be difficult to monitor the activities and actions of facilities on the other side of the world. Tools can help give visibility to physical asset additions and reductions. However, it takes a close relationship with local IT and Legal offices in those areas to ensure we know we are complying with local laws related to asset disposal, vendor restrictions on locally purchased software, and even the changing landscape of PC storage encryption methods.

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