George Weisgerber

George has decades of experience helping technology firms scale by optimizing business processes and workflows. He recently joined GALIDE as Head of Procurement, GALIDE's procurement team's focus is helping schools and enterprises recover the most value from their aged IT hardware.
ITAD Superpowers: 5 Steps to Becoming an ITAD Hero!

ITAD Superpowers: 5 Steps to Becoming an ITAD Hero!

Feeling the crunch of escalating ITAD responsibilities amidst shrinking teams and soaring compliance demands? If so, you’re the unsung hero your organization needs. Join us as we share best practices from industry giants like P&G, GSK, OhioHealth, and Visa on strategies to manage data security, chain of custody, and asset disposition with finesse. We’ll provide you with three key insights to help turn your ITAD challenges into victories, proving once again, you are the champion, my friend.

The future of ITAM – after A comes D – ITDM

The future of ITAM – after A comes D – ITDM

ITAM is a management system concept, an overlay that allows organizations – if they follow the ISO/IEC 19770-1 standard – to manage asset-related risks. In the past people working in the ITAM field had a significant focus on contractual compliance or cost savings. To put things into perspective: This is a fraction of what ITAM can bring to the table. It is a perfect extension to other controls in an organization, e.g. related to IT operations, service management, security, controlling, and more.

Building a SAM Program from Scratch: The First 12 Months

Building a SAM Program from Scratch: The First 12 Months

Suppose a company with 5,000 employees has hired you to establish its Software Asset Management program. You are their first hire. So much needs to be done, and you are unsure where to start. However, with the right approach, you can build a program that meets your organization’s needs and positions you as a strategic asset in as little as 12 months.

Controls that Ensure Accuracy of Asset Inventory

The SEC defines controls as specific policies, procedures, and activities designed to meet an objective. In ITAM, maintaining an accurate and reliable inventory of IT assets is crucial, though often challenging.