George Weisgerber
Digital License Danger: Protect Your Microsoft Enterprise Licenses
Are your Microsoft enterprise licenses at risk of being exploited? Discover the hidden dangers of digital licenses embedded in your IT assets, even after data wiping. A Microsoft Authorized Refurbisher can safeguard your enterprise licenses and ensure compliance. Learn the critical steps to relicense your devices, erase digital footprints, and avoid unexpected charges. We’ll share three takeaways on how to maintain control during the ITAD process to avoid financial and legal repercussions.
Best Practices for Recovering Assets from Remote Workers
With an ever-growing remote workforce, recovering assets from remote workers is a constant challenge. Learn about the importance of policy, processes and systems you need to have in place in order to optimize asset recovery rates and minimize risks. We’ll consider the repercussions of letting employees keep outdated equipment, ranging from security, environmental, reputational and social risks. Hear a case study showcasing a successful equipment recovery program. Discover how refurbishment and donation practices can elevate your organization. Join us in fostering a planet- and people-friendly approach to the reverse supply chain.
Should You Remove Device Locks When Retiring IT Assets?
Consider the factors and benefits of removing device locks when retiring IT assets, such as financial gains and achieving environmental goals.
GreenTek Solutions, LLC
IAITAM Provider Member GreenTek Solutions is a mission-driven ITAD company that defies industry norms with its unwavering professionalism, innovation, flexibility, and transparency. We prioritize data security, sustainability, and digital equity, advocating for the...
From Trash to Treasure: Change the ITAD Stigma
Within your ITAD program lies a wealth of untapped potential to benefit your entire organization. Learn how to win C-Suite support for your program.
Establishing a Vendor Management Framework – Our Story
Earlier this year, we finalized a vendor management framework that we believe is going to generate more value for HDR and our strategic partners!
Data Destruction: Protecting the World and Fighting New Threat Vectors
Corporate and client data is proliferated globally for multi-national companies. Learn how to perform data destruction abroad while considering regulatory and operational differences. Learn how to protect against new threat vectors that are challenging the global enterprise. Through case studies, learn how some companies have have protected there data abroad.
ITAM Program Structure
Do you have a centralized ITAM program, or take a more decentralized approach? What has worked well with the structuring of your program, and what maybe could have gone better? Let’s jump into some concepts around how we can structure our ITAM programs, as well as have a discussion around what is happening in our companies. We can learn from each others’ experiences, and walk away with additional insights on what is happening with other ITAM groups.
Enhancing Reverse Logistics and ITAD Maturity for Greater Security and Efficiency
The recent ACE and CITAM courses highlighted the urgent need to improve organizations’ reverse logistics and ITAD processes, as current practices are often inefficient and decentralized.
Manage Projects Like A Pro: Gantt vs. Pert Chart
In my latest CAMP Course, we were discussing Project Management best practices for staying on track and within the budget and I mentioned that Gantt and PERT Charts are great tools for scheduling projects and monitoring their success.