Is your organization mired in uncertainty, lack of cooperation and understanding or are you driving cost and risks out of your distributed computing model and creating value for your end-users and business? Data security in a circular economy and sustainability initiatives can only be achieved by “starting with the end in mind”. Find out how you and your organization fare in terms of relative organizational maturity through the implementation of IAITAM’s 12 Key Process Areas (KPAs). No one said ITAM was easy and that driving change is without organizational challenges. Let’s discuss the complexities of driving digital transformation in your unique organizational culture in anticipation of such disruptive technologies as AI, IoT, ML, etc. through the deployment of IAITAM’s 12 KPAs. By participating in this month’s IMUG, you’ll learn if your organization will earn gold, silver, or bronze in this Olympic style survey and/or what it will take for you to make it to the 2028 IAITAM Olympics!