Improving Support to Increase ROI

Now that many organizations have shifted to hybrid or work-from-home models, their approach to IT asset management needs to shift as well.

As organizations seek new ways to pinch every penny, repurpose technology, and increase ROI for their technology, one area that needs to be considered is improving internal support tools. A key element of seeing positive return on your tech-vestments is the ability to manage, update, and address issues seamlessly. Now that many organizations have shifted to hybrid or work-from-home models, their approach to IT asset management needs to shift as well.

To start, companies should evaluate their current support framework. Are you trying to support remote employees when you previously had everyone in office? Is your existing structure for IS effectively meeting the needs of your shifting workforce and policies? If your approach was previously to send IT down to the person’s desk (something that was outdated prior to the WFH shift), that might now be impossible if staff are rarely or never in the office.

Investing in a secure, robust remote control and support solution addresses the concern of how to manage and resolve support issues. Not only that, but it allows for behind-the-scenes upkeep and maintenance of devices with little to no impact on the end users.

You’ll want to consider whether the solution allows for multiple support sessions at a time, the ability to connect/manage devices that are unmanned or logged off, and if it provides multiple layers of security. With cybersecurity threats on the rise, organizations should be taking a closer look at whether the tools they use leave them open for potential risks.

Monitoring the performance of IT systems is also crucial for identifying and addressing issues promptly. Having effective monitoring tools and processes in place helps to maintain optimal system performance. Employees may require training and support to navigate not only remote work but also avoiding common pitfalls that lead to problems for IS/Support.

Your ITAM tools should not only provide an accurate log of what and where your assets are, but also real-time data regarding the status of those assets, including automated alerting to let you proactively catch problems before they escalate.

As the workforce and company culture continue to shift, our policies and procedures need to be regularly examined and updated, as needed, to address the changes. Improved efficiency for supporting devices results in better ROI for our technology and a better experience for our end users.