Accredited Training Organization (ATO)

ITpreneurs operates at the forefront of the professional IT training market. We monitor trends in the market and explore new ideas. Our quality learning solutions ready the IT workforce for tomorrow and ensure they are excited, skilled up and ready to take on their next challenge. Our passion lies in developing learning solutions. We offer our products and services in a unique pay as you go model providing significant savings and ease of business. No upfront investments required and adding new portfolios is easy. Our online delivery platform allows you to scale your business being able to order 24/7, the choice of your preferred delivery format (eBooks, Partner Print, Printed Materials, Blended Learning, eLearning) and have the course materials and exams delivered anywhere around the world. Our portfolio is focused around innovative IT domains, offering training solution around Agile, Cloud, DevOps, Service Management, Project Management, Agile, Lean IT and more.


Weena 242
3012 NJ Rotterdam
The Netherlands