Chris Moffett

Chris Moffett is an experienced ITAM/SAM professional with a passion for innovation and team building. He has created and managed multiple global ITAM/SAM programs that prioritize comprehensive data management and optimize license utilization.
Navigating the Evolving Landscape of IT Asset Disposition (ITAD)

Navigating the Evolving Landscape of IT Asset Disposition (ITAD)

This webinar will provide an in-depth exploration of the changing dynamics in the IT asset disposition (ITAD) landscape. It examines how the growing emphasis on data security, compliance with evolving global regulations, and the push for sustainable solutions are reshaping ITAD’s best practices. The webinar will delve into the economic and market factors driving the increased demand for secure and responsible ITAD, as well as the critical role ITAD plays in supporting organizational goals and environmental sustainability. Attendees will gain insights into comprehensive ITAD practices, which focus on secure data destruction, asset refurbishment, responsible disposal, and value recovery – equipping organizations to navigate the new realities of ITAD.

ITAD Services: Where Data Security and Value Recovery Meet Green IT

ITAD Services: Where Data Security and Value Recovery Meet Green IT

The risk of sensitive data exposure is always a top concern when managing the lifecycle of critical technology within your organization. IT assets slated for disposition are particularly vulnerable to data breaches, making IT asset disposition (ITAD) a crucial part of your security strategy.

Join experts Ashley Foreman, VP of Corporate Services, and Chris Mammano, VP of ITAD Sales at Dynamic Lifecycle Innovations, as they share key considerations for ensuring data security, while aligning with sustainability initiatives and cost-saving goals. Discussion topics will include:
• Key challenges in managing retired IT assets through ITAD
• Essential data destruction certifications and standards to look for in an ITAD partner
• Additional ITAD security measures that are critical in preventing data breaches
• The productivity and reporting advantages of an integrated API solution
• The impact of service timelines and a clear chain of custody on your organization’s risk management
• Aligning ITAD practices with your organization’s ESG and sustainability goals

ITAM: Delivering Strategic Value

ITAM: Delivering Strategic Value

Per Dr. Barb, “you can’t manage what you don’t know you have” and we all know that the core ITAM discipline founded on managing change. This is one reason why managing data-bearing devices has become so strategic in 2025. Whether you’re driving or enabling organizational change, asset management has never been more critical to the future success of your business. Professionally, you’re understanding and virtual ownership of your IT estate has become mission critical. Please join us to discuss and/or debate the critical nature of effectively reporting on the most valuable assets that are creating, consuming, and managing your proprietary data going into this new year of accelerated change.

Asset Tracking Intersects With Cybersecurity

A potential TP-Link router ban underscores the importance of asset tracking in ITAM. Standardized tagging and inventory control enable organizations to identify assets, assess risks, and enhance security.