Trent Allgood

Trent Allgood is a Director at Anglepoint, a global ITAM consulting firm and leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant, as well as he volunteers time to ISO WG21, the ITAM Forum, FinOps Foundation, and the OpenChain Foundation.

Improving Support to Increase ROI

Now that many organizations have shifted to hybrid or work-from-home models, their approach to IT asset management needs to shift as well.

ITAM and Green IT

Sustainable ITAM is an approach to IT management that considers environmental, social, and governance impacts.

The Language of SAM

Making sure you are using the same communication terminology across departments is a key element for a successful SAM Program

Cyber Resilience, Moving Beyond the Buzzword

Cyber Resilience, Moving Beyond the Buzzword

The term “resilience” is everywhere, but what does it mean to you and your organization. During this presentation, we will define what Cyber Resilience means and how it differs from Business Continuity/Disaster Recovery. We will also discuss some of the findings of the 2023 Absolute Resilience Index Report, to identify some of the challenges you may have in achieving Cyber Resilience for your organization and how you can integrate Cyber Resilience into your internal processes.