Construct the mission of your ITAM program.

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Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 104 total)
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  • #58140
    Warren Herrera

    Our mission is to manage, control, and protect our IT Assets throughout their whole lifecycle.

    Markus Allen

    Mission is to accurately track, maintain and maximize our assets throughout its entire lifecycle.

    Monika Vyletalova

    Track and manage IT assets throughout their lifecycle

    William Harrington

    Our mission is to focus on optimizing our assets throughout their lifecycle.

    Sylvia Villaman

    The mission of our ITAM program is to create a more effective and efficient way to manage software and hardware throughout the lifecycle, as well as to create SOPs to ensure consistency for each asset as it passes through the many hands it needs from beginning to end.

    Chandra Gavino

    Accurate baselines, automated asset discovery, systems integration, workflow automation, analytics.

    Maria DeMars

    Optimizing software contracts

    Olawale Dada

    Our mission is currently focused on optimizing our assets throughout their lifecycle, reduce spend, ensure compliance and partnering with the business.

    Kris Dysert

    Our mission is to ensure all IT-related assets are acquired, used, and disposed of to produce maximum utility and cost effectiveness by leveraging industry best practices to continuously improve cost effectiveness, compliance, and achievement of STLCC strategic goals.

    Rita Soliz

    Mission is to focus on optimizing our asset throughout their lifecycle.

    Rita Soliz

    to ensure that all assets are accounted for and categorized correctly and are captured to optimizing throughout their lifecycle

    Rita Soliz

    submitted three different statements already

    Rita Soliz

    Our mission is to ensure all IT-related assets are acquired, used, and disposed of to produce maximum utility and cost effectiveness by leveraging industry best practices to continuously improve cost effectiveness, compliance, and achievement of STLCC strategic goals.

    Egor Kataev

    Track and manage an asset

    Darrin Dyches

    Our mission is to accurately track each qualifying asset, from purchase to disposal through its complete lifecycle.

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 104 total)
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