Create a RACI chart that includes individuals already involved or who will be involved in your ITAM program.

Prog Home v3 Forums CAMP SPT Create a RACI chart that includes individuals already involved or who will be involved in your ITAM program.

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  • #66791
    Laura Hudani

    KPA/Task ITAM Manager Procurement Team Finance Team IT Department Legal Team HR Vendor Executive Sponsor
    1. Program Management A C I R C I I A
    2. Communication & Education R C I C A I I
    3. Policy Management R C C C C I C A
    4. Acquisition R A C I C I C I
    5. Asset Identification R I I A I C I
    6. Compliance R C I A C I C A
    7. Disposal R C I A I I I
    8. Documentation R C I A C I I I
    9. Financial I C A R C I I I
    10. Legislation C C I I A I C I
    11. Project Management R C I A I I A
    12. Vendor Management R A C C I A I

    Renee Larry

    Asset management team

    Brian Rodrigues

    END User support team are hands and eyes when it comes to deployment

    Mohamed Hakim

    SAM, Sourcing manager/ director, CIO, Service Managers, Service Desk.

    Joey Shadduck

    Me Myself and I

    Darin Melton

    Computer support team, computer infrastructure support team, procurement specialist

    Christopher Davis

    We are procurement and Logistics, so we are the big dogs at the top. Then we have Fiscal, which handles the tracking of assets valued at over 5000 dollars. At the bottom of the chart would be our desktop techs, who deploy new equipment and also collect hardware that is at the end of its life so we can wipe any data and get the items ready for resale to the public via our surplus store.

    Nina Yavicoli

    My department is only two people including myself with no approval to expand so I am unsure how to appropriately answer this question.

    Lindsey Obrien

    identifying these members is in process.

    angela pesnilyan


    Annatjie van

    We have a full RACI already

    Michael Boudreau

    Our organization is horizontally aligned and as such has too many independent individuals/teams/departments to efficiently list. Each individual type of CI may have a myriad of different internal entities who are responsible, accountable, consulted, or informed.

    Joshua Chen

    Mananger, Asset management system admin, procurement analyst, finance analyst, etc

    Naomi Diaz

    Service Owner’s of the different assets acquired, Procurement, legal, Finance, technical teams and Asset Management.

Viewing 14 posts - 106 through 119 (of 119 total)
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