Discuss how much you know and understand about your organization’s finances.

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Viewing 15 posts - 136 through 150 (of 180 total)
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  • #61941
    Vasudha Basetia

    We have a seperate Finance Team, so I have no insights.

    Amy Yeung

    I don’t work in Finance, and I am not involved in IT budgeting. My knowledge is limited to what’s available in my company’s annual report.

    Ruchi Tiwari

    There are various models followed. Overall objective is to ensure that costs are recovered reasonably and we able to grow further as a company – Not having detailed view but journal recoveries are preferred because of multiple reasons.

    Noah Yalla

    I do not have visibility into our finances. We have a dedicated finance team that oversee all financials. I usually supply them with end of month reports for them to calculate charge-backs

    Brendy Ta

    The FINOPS Manager is in the same department as I am. We work closely with the finance, accounting, and procurement teams, each with its own budget to maintain. My team focuses on software contracts, effectively utilizing our assets, and creating cost savings opportunities where available.

    Catherine Salata

    I’m actively participating in budget management & forecasting activities.

    JeanMarc DeLArbre

    Quite a broad overview as a past responsible for the Accounting activities in my Organisation

    Sergiu Onofrei

    Around 50%

    Pascale Guilbault

    Comme je m’occupe de faire des acquisitions d’actifs moi-meme ou via les finances et des disposition et radiation je comprends bien les enjeux finaciers que pose la gestion des Ă©quipements informatiques

    Caroline Lovatt

    We are given specific projects to reduce costs in the organisation – working with the optimisation of software. The wider company finances are outside my day to day responsibility within Asset Management.

    Caroline Lovatt

    We are given specific projects to reduce costs in the organisation – working with the optimisation of software (and potentially hardware going forward) The wider company finances are outside my day to day responsibility within Asset Management.

    Nik Christides

    I understand how we make money, how we receive funding, and how that funding trickles down to the individual business areas to utilise for productive purposes matching the strategy roadmaps.

    Channell Bradford

    I understand the process that goes into requesting and and receiving approval for budgets.

    Channell Bradford

    I understand the process of how to review and request budgets.

    Channell Bradford

    I understand the process for budgetting.

Viewing 15 posts - 136 through 150 (of 180 total)
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