Discuss how much you know and understand about your organization’s finances.

Prog Home v3 Forums CAMP SPT Discuss how much you know and understand about your organization’s finances.

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  • #62743

    Not much.

    Jason Baselice

    I do not work in the finance area of my org. Finances for our org are not often discussed with ITAM team members unless they’re part of the contracts or executive team.

    Hailey MacCachren

    I am not involved in the company’s finances beyond what I come into contact with daily.

    Hailey MacCachren

    No knowledge of the overall finances of the company.

    Robert McLeroy

    Our team directly submits POs, manages deliveries, and manages warranty parts/replacements for all IT equipment.

    Robert McLeroy

    Our team directly submits and manages POs, decom/recycling/depreciation of assets, and manages warranty replacement/fulfillment for all IT equipment.

    Robert McLeroy

    Our team manages POs, decom/depreciation/recycling , and all warranty repairs/fulfillments for IT equipment.

    Laura Considine

    We get updates on the organization’s finances from the CFO at quarterly town hall meetings.

    Laura Considine

    We get updates on the organization’s finances from the CFO at quarterly town hall meetings. I find these to be informative but don’t understand them in depth.

    Laura Considine

    The chief financial offer provides regular update via blog posts and town hall meetings.

    Lori McHugh

    Some visibility

Viewing 11 posts - 151 through 161 (of 161 total)
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