Discuss how much you know and understand about your organization’s finances.

Prog Home v3 Forums CAMP SPT Discuss how much you know and understand about your organization’s finances.

Viewing 15 posts - 181 through 195 (of 237 total)
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  • #64009
    Wendie Balzano

    Im not involved in these aspects of the business

    Alamin Ahmed

    My clients to tend have large IT budgets but are falling short in cost optimisation.

    Ashley Cooley

    I am learning more about the budget world for our department every week. I have a good understanding about what we have available to us for IT use.

    Justin Bergakker

    This is not my swim lane in my org.

    Beverley Riley

    I know that our organization is target driven with specific KPIs in place to achieved the budget per division. Each team, be it sales or SAM division has a target to reach and incentives are in place to encourage users. Our annual turn over is made public on our website, but the overall group target is not known to me.

    Justin Adams

    Yes, am not included in my organizations finances.

    Calysta Smiley

    I am not involved in my organizations finances, but I am given a department budget to follow.

    Patrick Pate

    I have a fair amount of knowledge about my organization’s finances. My ITAM program has two way communications with Finance and Sourcing. We share information, insights and budgets. Financial information is part of our processes.

    Diep Ngo

    I am not involved in my organization’s finances.

    Priti Mistry

    Not involved

    Amy Wong

    Need strong buy-in and collaboration with finance to drive the changes needed


    I am not involved in the company’s finances, my area of ​​work is providing services to clients on software asset management, where we recommend improvements and optimizations to reduce financial risk in software licensing.

    Whinney Chow

    I understand a fair bit.

    Milton Crawford

    In regarding my understanding of financial matters within my organization. I work for the U.S. Federal Courts, I’m not at liberty to discuss the finances of my organization.

    Victor Nava

    I have a good understanding of the finance processes in my company related to Asset Management, specially when it comes to Leases

Viewing 15 posts - 181 through 195 (of 237 total)
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