Discuss how much you know and understand about your organization’s finances.

Prog Home v3 Forums CAMP SPT Discuss how much you know and understand about your organization’s finances.

Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 239 total)
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  • #59979
    Justin Hering

    I have a good understanding of our finances and work closely with our division’s COO to construct the budget and formulate funding requests for critical projects, resources, and maintenance agreements with vendors.

    Nicole McMartin

    We have a budgeting team that we go to. SAM is not involved other than to provide a summary of expednitures for the year leading up to budget season.

    Brian Minger

    In my current organization, I am very separate from the IT and Corporate finance. I have some basic understanding but am distanced from its efforts. There is no centralized ITAM Program. We are very decentralized for all HAM and SAM efforts. ITAD is limited and, from what I have seen, it is just giving our aged and retired equipment away.

    Robert Byrd

    I am involved in the and budget for infrastructure finances. Very familiar with the costs that make up product families.

    Sara Adams

    I am not involved in my organizations finances.

    Darnell Sadler

    Very little, we have a separate department that handles this

    Sherrin Richards

    Not applicable

    Bruno Crecca

    I am not involved in my organization’s finance at this point

    Eddy Muleme

    I have not had an opportunity to be part of the finances. However, I intend to initiate engagements with Finance team given the wealth of knowledge i am gathering through ITAM training.

    Cheryl Patton

    I’ve been exposed to contracts and spend reports.

    Rohit Chopra

    There are check and balances in placce

    Jay Finucane

    We don’t have much involvement with the organisations finances, the only time we interact with finance if when we are planning a disposal of hardware and finance have to look at the assets worth to determine whether or not they are worthless enough to destroy.

    Usheda Jackson

    From what I’ve been exposed to, to save money and help drive the generation of more profit.

    Alexia Elford

    pretty well, i manage the capital and operations budget

    James Lyons

    Awareness of quarterly income and expenditures with available cash on hand. Management of department level software budget

Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 239 total)
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