Has your organization ever been audited? If yes, describe how it went.

Prog Home v3 Forums CAMP SPT Has your organization ever been audited? If yes, describe how it went.

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    Akshay Mehra

    Yes. Depends on publisher. Some went well while for some few gaps were found.

    Akshay Mehra

    Yes. Some went well, while some gaps were found in others.

    Dianne Taylor

    Yes, we have external and internal audits. As an Asset Manager, I have participated in HW & SW audits for various clients.

    Mohd Uzair

    No, to the best of my knowledge.

    Nirisha Chalapati

    yes, but I was not part of it earlier and i am involved from this year


    I am not aware of it.

    Vasudha Basetia

    Not that I am aware of.

    Amy Yeung

    Yes, but I was not directly involved. My role does include ensuring license compliance and understanding the significance of incompliance and true-up cost.

    Ruchi Tiwari

    It must have been. But I haven’t been a part of it

    Noah Yalla

    Yes. We usually have PWC over for audit. I dont really know the metrics they used but I can confirm that one of IT’s metrics relates to Change Management. I think another metrics relates to Assets however I am yet to get my head around this – just from the top of my head the audit required information such as state of the asset, its location, its users, model, make, etc…basic stuff

    Brendy Ta

    Of course, it has; every organization gets audited. All audits occurred before I joined the company or were completed by the compliance team, so I am unaware of how it went. I know the manager is aware of it.

    Catherine Salata

    not aware of it

    JeanMarc DeLArbre

    Yes, I wasn’t involved in the audit so I’m not sure.

    Sergiu Onofrei

    Not aware about that

    Pascale Guilbault

    Oui cela a tres bien été car nous étions bien preparé.

Viewing 15 posts - 121 through 135 (of 203 total)
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