If your organization took the ITAM360 Assessment, what rating do you expect it would get for each KPA?

Prog Home v3 Forums CAMP SPT If your organization took the ITAM360 Assessment, what rating do you expect it would get for each KPA?

Viewing 13 posts - 76 through 88 (of 88 total)
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  • #61210
    James Hott

    Medium high to High.

    James Hott

    Medium High to High marks across the assessment.

    Charles Pellicane

    1. Procurement = 4
    2. Asset ID = 5
    3. Comms and EDU = 4
    4. Compliance = 5
    5. Legislation = 3
    6. Disposal = 5
    7. Finance = 4
    8. Policy = 5
    9. Project = 4
    10. Vendor = 5

    Namrata Parikh


    Akshay Mehra

    Fairly well

    Mohd Uzair

    We would be able to score more than moderate ratings considering all the frameworks of KPAs.

    Nirisha Chalapati

    May be we will be in middle grounds as we are in the phase of builting ITAM program


    To get a precise idea of your organization’s ratings, we need to consider conducting a detailed internal review. This can help identify strengths and areas for improvement, aligning the practices with IAITAM’s high standards.

    Amy Yeung

    I believe my organization will do fairly well except in the areas of Finance.

    Noah Yalla

    Low for most KPAs – we are just starting out. Although we are pretty much matured in two or three of the KPAs a lot of work needs to be done about centralizing asset management and so the processes and policies need to be created for this which at the moment we do not have

    Sergiu Onofrei

    Fairly well

    Pascale Guilbault

    Je dirais quand meme une bonne note pour tout les KPA.

    Ruchi Tiwari

    Medium rating

Viewing 13 posts - 76 through 88 (of 88 total)
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