In what ways will your office culture affect how you communicate?

Prog Home v3 Forums CAMP SPT In what ways will your office culture affect how you communicate?

Viewing 6 posts - 91 through 96 (of 96 total)
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  • #68488
    Christopher Davis

    We have a great communication network already so we will maintain that going forward.

    angela pesnilyan

    Opens & Transparency

    Renee Larry

    My communication will not be impacted.

    Michael Boudreau

    Company culture focuses on positive affirmations to reinforce goals instead of realistic accounting of measured progress.

    Joshua Chen

    My current office culture is one that shys away from actual issues and focuses more on how it makes others feel so being diplomatic and patient will be required.

    Naomi Diaz

    There are several barriers to communications. Being aware and addressing these barriers will enhance commuications.

Viewing 6 posts - 91 through 96 (of 96 total)
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