Perform a SWOT analysis on yourself. What are your strengths, weaknesses, etc.?

Prog Home v3 Forums CAMP SPT Perform a SWOT analysis on yourself. What are your strengths, weaknesses, etc.?

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  • #40630
    Chris Mcdonald
    Courtney Lepine

    Strength in communicating effectively and weakness in taking on more responsibility and completing task on my own without needing assistance. Its ok to share task.

    Jeff Van Raalte

    Strength would be getting along with people even when i may not like them. Weakness would be impatient with stupid. i know i have lots of opportunities to grow but a threat would be not having company wide management to have consensus on processes.

    Eero Vuorinen


    Stuart Swale

    Strengths – Communication and people skills, hard worker, very organized
    Weaknesses – Have a hard time saying no sometimes



    Vincent Job


    Andrea Gordon

    Strengths – Bringing people together to accomplish initiatives.
    Weaknesses – I’m new to my current role, so a weakness would be that I haven’t had the opportunity to connect with the right people yet.
    Opportunity – Create connections and build relationships through the advancement of organizational ITAM knowledge and support.
    Threat – Program development engagement.

    Vinay B M

    Strength: Good Compliance knowledge and understanding of IT Policies and process. Good Team player. Active listener and good communicator
    Weakness: Keeping up to date on the latest technologies

    Iva Kovacevic

    strenght – learning ability and willingness, thinking outside of the box
    weakness – punctuality
    opportunity – i am working with some amazing people that i could learn a lot from
    threat – lack of business opportunities

    Joshua Comeau

    Strength- Datasets and all remedy tasks
    weakness- Saying no when needed if you do not feel comfortable.
    Oppurtunity- Learning from others and doing more certifications

    Adele Asencio

    Strengths – Communication, hard worker, very organized
    Weakness in taking on more responsibility and completing task on my own without needing assistance.

    Svetlana Terentyeva

    S: leadership
    W: overpassiannate
    O: learning ITAM
    T: lack of support

    Eliza Budhathoki

    strength: Learning and curiosity about how, when, and why with the data entries
    weakness: creating boundaries required with responsibility
    opportunity: Learning IAITAM practices and everyday coping skills with the data.
    threat:Change impacting projects or team

    Bridgette Stuart

    Strength- strong work ethics
    Weakness- takes on too much
    Opportunity- Certification and IAITAM Membership
    Threat- Management buy-in

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