What do your current IT asset tags state?

Prog Home v3 Forums CAMP SPT What do your current IT asset tags state?

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  • #69070
    Michael Boudreau

    We maintain a unique serialized IT asset number with 2d barcodes for our primary IT based configurable assets. We record IT asset tag number on our IT asset record along with the hardware serial number.

    Joshua Chen

    My org’s current IT asset tags state a unique scannable barcode as well as contact number for anyone outside of our org recovering the asset.

    Lori Gunn

    They have an FA number which is tied to our current asset system. This barcode is scannable and will tie back to the actual asset within our system.

    Lori Gunn

    They have an FA number which is tied to our current asset system. This barcode is scannable.

    Lori Gunn

    They have a FA number with a scannable barcode which correlates to our Fixed Asset Module.

    Michael Powell

    I’ve been responsible for providing IT asset tags but I never really paid that much attention to what was on them other than a scannable barcode and asset number.

    Naomi Diaz

    We don’t use assets tags. Our unique identifier is the asset serial number.

    Valerie Runci

    Asset tags are assigned to equipment and tracked through our company’s asset management software. Our IT support group runs the asset tag program.

Viewing 8 posts - 241 through 248 (of 248 total)
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