Currently, I work in the SAM management consulting space. However, in past roles, worked a great deal in hardware asset management. Our asset tags had unique ID’s with scannable bar codes.
They only state our organization’s name, with a unique identifying number that, in conjunction with the asset’s manufacturer serial number, allow us to track assets throughout their lifecycle.
Our current IT Asset Tags state a 4-digit unique identifying number along with a two(2) character prefix that denotes geolocation in relation to our office hubs (ex. US-1234 for an asset based in the United States).
Any asset that is customer-facing will receive an ID # which is used to track the lifecycle, as well as when the Service Desk is contacted about the asset.
Any asset that is customer-facing received a unique ID number. This ID # can be used to identify the asset when Service Desk is contacted about the asset and to track the asset throughout the lifecycle.