What modern management trends have you witnessed?

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Viewing 15 posts - 256 through 270 (of 316 total)
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  • #64827

    AI integration, Agile method, Remote work, Remote leadership

    Emmitt Fennessey

    A lot of assets are moving to the cloud.

    Leona Raymundo

    Use of AI

    Victor Nava

    RFID tags, Service Now HAM PRO implementation, Remote Work and Automation

    Lerato Tong

    Organisations and businesses continue to be heavily digital and adopting cloud-based solutions along with embrace automation using AI which can make software license management easier track visibility of Sofware estate and ensure compliance.

    Robert Mckeithan

    Justifying repeat software purchases in the government ,avoiding competition advocate asking vendors to extend there renewal options for two to three years to allow testing for alternative software after conducting market research

    Robert Mckeithan

    Market becoming saturated and there are more software reps and each year the cost of the software continues to go up


    Integration of emerging technologies and data-driven decision making.

    Lisa Shakespeare

    Remote work, Automation.

    Madhavi Poosala

    Auto asset updates, AI, multiple discovery tools with IRE.


    Remote work being more normal and easier.

    Omeir Yusuf

    The convergence of ITAM and FinOps is changing how these otherwise siloed practitioners need to work together to support business application owners.

    Roy Bonilla

    Organizations now take ITAM more seriously.

    Roy Bonilla

    Organization now take ITAM practices more seriously.

    Andjela Djuric

    Automation, AI Integration, remote work

Viewing 15 posts - 256 through 270 (of 316 total)
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