What steps do you take to network with other individuals in the profession?

Prog Home v3 Forums CAMP SPT What steps do you take to network with other individuals in the profession?

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  • #63716

    Attend ITAM Events and learn best practices shared by ITAM members

    John Olotu

    IAITAM Community: Tap into the collective wisdom. Connect with fellow practitioners worldwide. Swap stories, share tips, and learn from their experiences. It’s like having a global ITAM support group.

    Annual Conference & Exhibition (ACE): Attend ACE! It’s the Woodstock of ITAM. Immerse myself in educational sessions, workshops, and vendor interactions.

    Pedro Lua

    By attending industry events and conferences and involving myself in ITAM forums.

    Wendie Balzano

    linkedin etc

    Alamin Ahmed

    social media networks to keep up to date with what other professionals are doing. And reviewing gartner materials

    Ashley Cooley

    This is currently the first step.

    Beverley Riley

    Attend all possible webinars as we work mainly remotely. Networking is crucial and learning new ideas on improvements creates new ideas if it can be implemented in our company.

    Doug Berglund

    Team Building in our organization.

    Calysta Smiley

    I am new to the department, there is one other employee in the profession. We are running the department together. Networking is not on our scope at the moment.

    Patrick Pate

    I network as part as organizational role, I use LinkedIn, I attend training and conferences, I attended ACE, I openly discuss with industry peers


    Attending ITAM conferences and events

    Madhavi Poosala

    IAITAM courses and regular meetings AM teams with in the organization

    Roy Bonilla

    At work, getting involved (when possible) in projects managed by coworkers in the profession

    Jennifer Fedyszyn

    I haven’t done much. When going to trainings I try to network with other professionals, but I haven’t had much of an opportunity. I am looking to potentially join IAITAM, which may offer a few more opportunities.

    JerromeJade Rosales

    I will utilize platforms like LinkedIn to connect with ITAM professionals. Share relevant content, engage in discussions, and join groups focused on IT asset management.

Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 134 total)
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