My Courses

  • ITAM Team – A Story About My Team’s Transformation

    ITAM Team – A Story About My Team’s Transformation

    ITAM Team – A Story About My Team’s Transformation By Dayle Keyes   What is the make-up of your ITAM team – Here is my team’s transformation story Probably the most common topic of discussion within ITAM is: “What is the make-up of the ideal ITAM team?” These discussions typically focus to the number of staff members assigned to the team and what functions that team is responsible for.  In most cases, it seems the ITAM team consists of maybe two or three people to run their entire ITAM program.  In my case, our ITAM team at Mutual of Omaha […]

  • Fits like a Glove: Top 10 Must-Do’s for your SAM Program

    Fits like a Glove: Top 10 Must-Do’s for your SAM Program

    Fits like a Glove: Top 10 Must-Do’s for your SAM Program By Bill Talbot Over the years, I’ve seen the good, the bad and the ugly from many SAM solutions. Using the lessons I’ve learned as a guide, I’d like to help you identify the best solution for your enterprise SAM needs – and avoid unnecessary mistakes along the way. Identify your executive sponsor. As an asset or software asset manager, sometimes we forget about larger business needs. Securing executive sponsorship provides essential support for budget, governance, project deployment, your peers, and other executive stakeholders throughout your initiative. Pinpoint your […]

  • The Final Check-Out: 8 Lessons Learned from 8,000 Projects

    The Final Check-Out: 8 Lessons Learned from 8,000 Projects

    Experience with clients across a wide variety of industries has taught us that effective corporate ITAD programs contain common characteristics.

  • Empowering People, Process and Technology – Case Study of a Successful Game Changer in ITAM Data Quality and Affordability

    Empowering People, Process and Technology – Case Study of a Successful Game Changer in ITAM Data Quality and Affordability

    Empowering People, Process and Technology – Case Study of a Successful Game Changer in ITAM Data Quality and AffordabilityBy: John McConnell & Karen BryantIn today’s world, IT hardware assets in every company are multiplying quickly, and the compliance requirements are multiplying just as fast. To keep up with this evolving landscape, it’s critical to have efficient programs and processes to track each item from the day it arrives to the day it’s retired. An efficient, scalable IT asset inventory process was of great importance for Kaiser Permanente to be responsive to growth and changes in the industry. The Kaiser Permanente […]

  • Data Breach Prevention Driver for Disposal – IT Asset Disposition Diligence Starts Day-One

    Data Breach Prevention Driver for Disposal – IT Asset Disposition Diligence Starts Day-One

    Last January, Coca-Cola admitted to the theft of an unspecified number of laptops containing personal information on approximately 74,000 individuals, including social security numbers, driving license details, salaries, and ethnicity.

  • Measuring Your Success – KPIs to Measure and Showcase Doing a Good Job

    Measuring Your Success – KPIs to Measure and Showcase Doing a Good Job

    Measuring Your Success – KPIs to Measure and Showcase Doing a Good Job By James Etherton, Delta Dental of Michigan An ITAM practitioner is someone who is an all-around guru of ITAM while doing the day-to-day work of organizing, monitoring and reporting. This busy schedule can lead to mistakes. For instance, I was surprised one day when we almost let a software contract renewal go through the process before we realized we had missed checking with the process owner of that software. It turned out that we no longer needed that software. Luckily, we had not yet processed the paperwork […]

  • “…But We’re Already Doing That!” – Finding the Core Asset Portfolio

    “…But We’re Already Doing That!” – Finding the Core Asset Portfolio

    “…But We’re Already Doing That!” – Finding the Core Asset Portfolio By Daniel Anderson, Accenture “…But we’re already doing that!” is one of the most common phrases I hear from clients during ITAM proposals and workshops. Over the 15 years I’ve worked as a practitioner and as a consultant in the IT Asset Management space, I’ve discussed ITAM concepts with hundreds of ITAM professionals, IT leaders and operations managers, from small and medium companies to Fortune-50 level enterprises. I’ll wrap up my presentation, and inevitably someone in the room will point out that what I’m saying makes sense, but they’ve […]

  • Consider ITAD a Security Incident – A Practical Look at ITAD Security Issues

    Consider ITAD a Security Incident – A Practical Look at ITAD Security Issues

    Organizations that focus on privacy take a serious look at all areas of potential vulnerability. One area of unappreciated vulnerability is the process of IT asset disposition (ITAD).

  • Measuring ITAM Success – How Successful is Your IT Asset Management Program?

    Measuring ITAM Success – How Successful is Your IT Asset Management Program?

    Measuring ITAM Success – How Successful is Your IT Asset Management Program? By Marjorie Hobe & Taylor Herschleb, ITAM Professional If management asked you to show the value of the organization’s IT Asset Management (ITAM) program, could you provide quantifiable results? Your answer to this question will probably be “no” if a set of key performance indicators (KPIs) or metrics have not been established and/or tracked on a regular basis. This leads to the next question: how do you know if implemented processes or decisions made are the most effective if there is no way to measure its success? The […]