Proving Your ITAM Success: Creating Program Success Reports that Increase Awareness and Buy-In

Proving Your ITAM Success: Creating Program Success Reports that Increase Awareness and Buy-In

Did you know that you should also include ITAM challenges and failures in your Program Success Reports? Executives want REAL data, not just information about what has gone well. Document what went wrong, why, and how you resolved or plan to resolve the issue. Over time, your Program Success Reports will not only prove program maturity, but also how you got there!

ITAM Program Structure

ITAM Program Structure

Do you have a centralized ITAM program, or take a more decentralized approach? What has worked well with the structuring of your program, and what maybe could have gone better? Let’s jump into some concepts around how we can structure our ITAM programs, as well as have a discussion around what is happening in our companies. We can learn from each others’ experiences, and walk away with additional insights on what is happening with other ITAM groups.

Assessing ITAM Technology

Assessing ITAM Technology

Automation is all but a requirement to be able to manage environments at any sort of scale. Technology is a key part of building out our automation. It may not be the best approach to select a particular tool based on one recommendation. Once we bring a particular tool into our environment, it can be costly or all but impossible to step away from. Let’s look at how we can make our ITAM Tool selection process as effective as it can be.

Software Audit Response Steps

Software Audit Response Steps

Software audits can seem mysterious, especially if someone has never been through one. In this session, we will look at the steps that can be taken to prepare for the eventual “Audit Letter.” One challenge with being proactive is that we have to do it before the letter comes. So let’s look at ways we can be more proactive, before it is too late.

The Regulatory Roadmap

The Regulatory Roadmap

Legislation is an evolutionary process that should come as no surprise. Understanding when & why a CITAM leads the Education & Communication Core KPA with lobbyists, lawyers, the Executive Management Team is more valuable than insurance.