Create and compare an “Is Map” vs. a “Should Map.”

Prog Home v3 Forums CAMP SPT Create and compare an “Is Map” vs. a “Should Map.”

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  • #66919
    Whitney Wildeboer

    Is Map: what is currently happening
    Should Map: what we are working towards

    Brian Rodrigues

    Is Map (Current State): Manual process, time-consuming.

    Should Map (Ideal State): Automated system, efficient.

    Asset Disposal

    Is Map (Current State): Manual decommissioning, limited tracking.

    Should Map (Ideal State): Automated process, comprehensive tracking.

    Mohamed Hakim


    Joey Shadduck

    Current and Future state

    Nina Yavicoli

    current state of affairs including the current processes and roles that are in place would be the “Is Map” and the “Should Map” would elaborate deeper on how we would expand on the current roles and processes we have, along with the addition of new processes

    Renee Larry

    Is Map : current situations
    Should Map: ideal outcomes

    angela pesnilyan

    Analysis vs Vision

    Michael Boudreau

    It is difficult for most to map a “is map” program because in the current culture that only rewards accomplishments, accomplishments are celebrated when a minimum viable product is reached. So, embellishments are made even when major dependencies are not committed. Unless an enterprise is committed to provide dedicated resources to specific identified programs without overallocation of the worker resource, then most if not all programs fall under the “should map”.

    Joshua Chen

    Current state vs Future state

    Naomi Diaz

    Is Map-what the current environment, processes, situations are

    Should Map-where should we be-where are we going. Roadmaps.

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