Discuss how much you know and understand about your organization’s finances.

Prog Home v3 Forums CAMP SPT Discuss how much you know and understand about your organization’s finances.

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 239 total)
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  • #59353
    Egor Kataev

    Quite a lot

    Egor Kataev

    Tracking finance for VM team

    Naman Berry


    Naman Berry

    Involved in ITAM budget

    Naman Berry

    Not to Great extent but I am involved in discussion of Renewals of Top publishers

    Robert Collins

    I’m not informed as to my organization’s finances, however I am informed as to my customer’s ITAM related finances as part of my practice

    Robert Collins

    I’m not informed as to my organization’s finances, however I am informed as to my customer’s ITAM related finances as part of my practice

    Sarah Paz

    I am not involved in my organization’s finances.

    Peggy Garrett

    I am not involved in my organization’s finances.

    Chrisdan CRowe

    A very limited view into the IT finances, but almost none of my organization’s overall finances.

    Zach Downey

    I know the basics of charging purchases to projects or departments, but nothing higher than that.

    Adriana Bratu

    I’ve been exposed to contracts, accounting.

    C. Alex Juarez

    Within reason, my organization is transparent about our financial position and how we expect to be impacted. Our leadership team presents multiple times per quarter to share relevant information and allow questions.

    Catalina Gavris

    Our company delivers the most comprehensive financial solutions available, with applications for core accounting and finance, expense management, risk management, compliance, direct and indirect procurement, and project portfolio management (PPM).The company provides services to capital markets, banking, wealth management, corporate banking, payments, retail banking, and risk and compliance domains. It operates in the Americas, Europe, Asia-Pacific, the Middle East, and Africa.

    Catalina Gavris

    Our company delivers the most comprehensive financial solutions available, with applications for core accounting and finance, expense management, risk management, compliance, direct and indirect procurement, and project portfolio management (PPM). The company provides services to capital markets, banking, wealth management, corporate banking, payments, retail banking, and risk and compliance domains. It operates in the Americas, Europe, Asia-Pacific, the Middle East, and Africa.

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 239 total)
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