Select two potential projects that you could sponsor as the ITAM program manager. What are the two projects? Why are these the highest priority in your organization?

Prog Home v3 Forums Advanced Study Courses – Acquisition Management Select two potential projects that you could sponsor as the ITAM program manager. What are the two projects? Why are these the highest priority in your organization?

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  • #40224
    Chris Mcdonald

    Select two potential projects that you could sponsor as the ITAM program manager. What are the two projects? Why are these the highest priority in your organization?

    Sydney Roberts

    Two projects I could sponsor as the ITAM manager is the picking of our new laptop and the rollout of said laptop in 2025. These are highest priority because our lease ends on them in 2025 so we have to get the old ones back and deploy out the new ones.

    Andrea Murschel

    Two projects I can sponsor:
    1) ITAMS Modernization Project – Deploy a modern IT Asset Management System (ITAMS) to centralize and automate the acquisition, tracking, and management of IT assets because our old system is unable to scale well enough for day to day operations
    2) Acquisition Training Project – Establish a comprehensive training and certification program for staff involved in the acquisition process to improve the skills of the staff involved in this KPA

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