Consider the executives you’ll have to convince. What negotiation skills will you have to use?

Prog Home v3 Forums CAMP SPT Consider the executives you’ll have to convince. What negotiation skills will you have to use?

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  • #64043
    Wendie Balzano


    Alamin Ahmed

    present trustworthy data which will show the benefit and most likely cost that can be optimised. Executives love saving money

    Beverley Riley

    Negotiation is not necessarily an issue for us, it is convincing the financial director that our team is of so much value to the broader group. This is done by demonstrating our skills and ensuring that we are a profitable business and can stand on our own. We heavily lean on support of our business unit manager and I ensure that we deliver what is expected of my team.

    Calysta Smiley

    This does not pertain to my current role.

    Doug Berglund

    Well defined communication to explain the value of implementing the best possible ITAM program as well as the risks and costs of not doing so.

    Patrick Pate

    Ability to demonstrate the return of investments in the ITAM programs. Open two-way communications to compromise on resources and scope of programs. The ability to translate complex ITAM concepts to easy to understand language. Reporting and presentation skills to create visual engagement.

    Milton Crawford

    Negotiating with vendors for disposal, working with the program manager on storage and lifecycle.

    Madhavi Poosala


    Madhavi Poosala

    Only one to begin with would be zero dollars spent to create the initial policies and procedures documents.

    Roy Bonilla


    Amy Wong

    clear financial management considerations outlined

    Jennifer Fedyszyn

    I likely would not have to negotiate directly with the executive team, that would be my leader, the manager and director.

    Eleusa Nunes

    Adapt the “communication” to my audience and active listening

    JerromeJade Rosales

    Prepare data and case studies that demonstrate the benefits of the ITAM program, showing how it aligns with the organization’s objectives and addresses their concerns.

    Laura Hudani

    I don’t foresee having to negotiate much. It’s pretty clear what needs done. I’m aligned with my executive on this.

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 101 total)
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