Create a SWOT analysis of your current or anticipated ITAM program.

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  • #68462
    Christopher Davis

    S Strong Chain of custody for items.
    W Approval Process too easily circumvented
    O There is an opportunity for the Approval process to be strengthened against bypass.
    T the biggest threat is overbuying/incompatible hardware purchased due to cracks in the approval process

    Renee Larry

    Strengths: Creating efficient processes and procedures
    Weakness: Limited resourses
    Opportunities: Finding a better way to track inventory
    Threat: Lost or not returned devices are not captured, no penalty to user.

    angela pesnilyan

    Strong systems in place for tracking IT Asset procurement
    Willingness to adapt to new technologies
    Optimized cloud-based solutions
    Trends in the market that may lead to increased coemption

    Michael Boudreau

    Strengths: ITAM is proven to be reliable to IT executive management and accounting.
    Weakness: Too much involved in one-off exceptions or responding to other teams accusations that ITAM causes disruption to service management.
    Opportunities: Continued demonstration competencies are feasible if invested in.
    Threat: Lack of interest in investing in employees to reinforce policy, compliance, or governance. Lack of corporate enforcement with HR and legal when it comes to internal policy governance.

    Joshua Chen

    Strengths: Good team of hardworking workers with the right attitude
    Weakness: Undermanned and becoming overwhelmed with tasks added last minute
    Opportunities: Good foundation to tackle leadership objectives and continue to be pivotal in key business decisions
    Threat: Leadership not fully understanding ITAM function and potentially absorbing into different team

    Naomi Diaz

    Strengths: Strong central repository of purchases and entitlement assignments. Discovery for hardware and software installations.
    Weaknesses: Not enough resources to complete proactive activities.
    Opportunities: take the data to the next level with AI and streamline processes
    Threat: Vendor audits

Viewing 6 posts - 91 through 96 (of 96 total)
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